
EESC Portuguese Industrial Roundtable

The fifth Industrial Round-table was organised on the 11th April 2016 in Lisbon, Portugal. The round-table series 2016 is organized by the EESC’s Consultative Commission on Industrial Change (CCMI) in partnership with relevant European and national organizations: Euromines, Euracoal, IndustriAll Europe, the European Commission and numerous national high level partners from academia, geological surveys, NGOs and civil society.

The objective of the round-table debates is to link the Member States’ economic and industrial policy along the value chain from raw materials to end-products and to develop strategies and overcome obstacles to maintain a well-functioning European industrial fabric by improving investment conditions and creating new jobs.

Portugal is a country with relevant mineral resources for the EU and beyond. The sector promotes local and regional wealth and welfare; respects the environment and it is one of the industries that contribute increasingly to the growth of the Portuguese economy.

Portugal has positive government relationships at all levels and low political risk. It has a good infrastructure (modern roads, water, power, and port facilities), experienced labour force, and in principle access to European Union and some Portuguese government financial incentive programs. The Government, social partners and relevant civil society organizations are involved in the social and civic dialogue regarding mining sector and its contribution to sustainable development of the country.

The sector provides:

  • 85% of procurement is regional or national
  • Around 2000 full time decent jobs for the same number of employees
  • Additionally, around 1500 contractors
  • 8500 spin-off/indirect jobs nationally
  • 90% local employment where the industries are located

The combined effect results in an annual contribution to the Portuguese economy of 450m€ in Gross Value Added.

The Conclusions of the EESC Portuguese Roundtable are now available.

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