
Critical Raw Materials Act: Vote in the European Parliament

Euromines welcomes the overwhelming majority for the adoption of the Report by the VP Nicola Beer on the proposal for the Critical Raw Materials Act.

The VP Nicola Beer Report succeeded in improving the already robust Commission’s legislative proposal with a majority consisting of all political groups. This marks a paradigm shift in the regulatory approach and perception of raw materials, recognizing their geostrategic role beyond being a mere procurement issue.

“I wish to congratulate the Rapporteur on today’s vote on the CRM Act. The provisions and ideas put forward will help foster the capabilities of the European raw materials industry.” – says Rolf Kuby, Director General of Euromines – “Our industry needs efficient permitting procedures without compromising our sustainability ambition. The proposal voted today is a step in right direction to substantially improve the framework conditions for responsible raw materials mining industry. The measures proposed by the ITRE Committee strike the right balance between global competitiveness, access to resources and our own ambition to improve the sustainability performance.”

Euromines highlights some of the key proposals in the Report, including:

  • Strengthened role of One Stop Shops to facilitate permitting procedures.
  • Recognized importance of byproducts to qualify as strategic projects.
  • A market friendly approach to stress-testing based on publicly available data which protects business secrets and prevents competition distortion.
  • Clarified priority status of strategic projects via inclusion of the infrastructure.

Euromines supports the Critical Raw Materials Act as first building bloc of an open strategic autonomy and encourages a fast adoption and implementation.

Media Contact:
Kacper Chmielewski, Euromines, sends e-mail), +32 492 72 72 19

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