
Raw Materials Initiative – Pilot Action

A consortium, led by TNO (and as partners Euromines, d’Appolonia, BRGM, Ifremer, NTUA, the University of Leoben, CIKTN) (and endorsed by the ETP-SMR) has been tasked by the EC to collect information and suggestions on innovative technologies and pilot plants throughout the EU-27, and propose criteria and indicators to come to a prioritization among these suggestions. This will support the ambition of the EIP on Raw Materials to target  10 innovative pilot actions along the whole raw materials value chain. Yesterday, an invitation to participate in a web-based questionnaire was issued to a long list of industry associations and European Technology Platforms, with the request to distribute the information about this questionnaire to their members and associates.

To participate in this questionnaire I kindly invite you to use the following link: is external)

The questionnaire will remain online and accessible up to Friday, June, 29th.

On the basis of the aggregated analysis of data emerging from this questionnaire, the consortium will provide to the European Commission the basis for developing a future vision and a better understanding of the policies for future developments, concerning Raw Materials availability.  The outcome of the study will be fed into the EIP on Raw Materials.

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