
The European raw materials sector is crucial for achieving a minimum 55% climate target by 2030

As the recognized representative of the European mineral raw materials industry, covering more than 42 different metals and minerals and employing 350.000 directly and about four times as many indirectly, the first segment of most strategic value chains and a critical supplier of materials vital for a transition to a low-carbon society, Euromines welcomes a European Green Deal and is prepared to take the necessary measures to make Europe the world’s first climate neutral continent.

The Emission Trading System is one of the most important legal pillars and support systems for the European energy intensive industries. Therefore any amendment brought to it or any of its subsequent acts in the light of the proposed increased climate ambition for 2030 should be based on a stable, consistent, coherent, socio-economically feasible policy framework, allowing the implementation of the most efficient measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while ensuring that long-time goals and the international competitiveness of the industry are not endangered.

Considering the above, Euromines would like to make the following comments with regards to the specific objectives and assessed options for this initiative:

  1. The carbon leakage protection measures currently in force should remain the main instrument protecting the competitiveness of the energy intensive industries
  2. Any amendment requires a systemic, holistic approach along integrated value chains
  3. The European raw materials sector is crucial for achieving a minimum 55% climate target by 2030
  4. For the ETS to continue to be an effective and efficient instrument, the additional sectors should be kept separate

Read the Position Paper here.

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